Display MoreI'm trying to profile my Mig-50, and the Kemper just isn't matching the sound at all.
I did a "clean" profile and had no problems, except for the "Noise Gate Detected" (everybody I talk to apparently gets this error and they just ignore it.)
But when I set the amp a little hotter, on the breakup edge, the kemper can only profile it super clean or way too distorted and mushy. When I set the output to "Clean" on the Profiling Assistant, the profile I get back is way cleaner than the reference amp. I have the opposite problem when I set it to "Distorted," Where the profile comes out gross, mushy, and not like the reference amp at all.
Signal chain is Kemper - Amp - Loadbox - Kemper. No pedals, interfaces, DAWs etc. in between
What am I missing?
I had this with a modified Carvin i went to a reheasal space and DI profiled it at volume. Kemper box an all. Some amps just do not want to profile right. This Carvin Valvemaster 2 was one of them. Clean profiles have this boomey bass thing an the distortion ch you can get, but it takes experimenting with the volumes. Some amps just profile great an some dont. I read negative feedback architectured amps have the issue