Posts by Dommak89

    Hi all,

    I have a questions and it may have something to do with me not fully understanding stereo.

    In my band both me and the other guitarist play a kemper. In situations where someone takes over a lead guitar or melodic part, the rythm section is down to one guitar. My question is:

    Is there a possibility to switch between mono and stereo play live?

    I know Meshuggah do it with regular amps. They have an A/B-Switch and when one guitarist plays a lead the other essentially plays via two amps. I figured since both of us have Kempers and can go out stereo to the PA this should also somehow work, shouldn't it?

    Hello everyone,

    I just got a Kemper, yay me! Now I'm trying to get used to it. I came from an Axe-Fx Standard. Although trying out all the profiles is pretty cool and eventually I will want to find a new sound, right now I still need it for some live gigs. So I thought: Why not profile my old Axe-Fx presets for now and then, when I got more time, I'll find a new(ish) sound.

    I'm pretty sure I've seen a guide or at least someone mentioning, that it is possible to profile the Axe-Fx by itself (without PowerAmp and Cabinet/Microphone). However, back then I didn't have a Kemper and I only thought "neat". Now I'm trying to find a something about the topic, but all I get are videos and threads with comparisons of these two machines.

    Anybody here that can help me, or point me in the right direction?
    Plz keep in mind: I've just gotten the Kemper, so I am not used to it, so a "How to for Dummies" would be appreciated.


    Bist du nur am Kemper als Rackversion interessiert? Ich hätte ein Axe Fx Standard samt Engl Endstufe zum Tausch zur Verfügung. Der Kemper hat mich seit jeher interessiert, also die Profiling Funktion und ich würde das Teil gerne mal ausprobieren, daher die Wechselgedanken. Das Axe selber ist im super Zustand und funktioniert einwandfrei. Könnte beides auch in einem Rack verschicken, falls gewünscht.

    Ich arbeite übrigens in Duisburg, also wäre ein Treffen möglich.