Let’s play with the idea, that there will be a Kemper 2 in the future. As the technology and stuff is today, what would you like to see in a potential new Kemper?
Why, you ask? For the fun of it and because technology advances and competitors are releasing great stuff. And maybe Kemper staff will get an idea for the future. Who knows. And yes....I’ve tried the search function and didn’t find any posts. Weird. There must be posts about a Kemper 2. But I will start.
Kemper 2:
- 3 or 4 processors to do
A) Triple or quad profiling internally. By that I mean the possibility to connect 3-4 mics to the Kemper and then when profiling making the same amount of profiles within ONE profile, which afterwards can be blended as desired. Like if you record in a studio. Most record guitars with more than one mic. Here you can create a more nuanced profile and perhaps push the “restore to original” to start over, if you go “damn....the SM57 is too high”. Then go back and lower that mic or raise another. Yes....I know people do create profiles with multiple mics already with a mixer in between. But by doing it internally, you can make a mistake in the mix between mics and go back to re-tweak and you don’t need a mixer.
B) Possibility to connect more than one guitar/bass at the same time and run separate rigs.
C) For future proofing.
D) Dual/triple rig (not the same as creating a profile of more mics. It’s just one more possibility of reaching a specific sound.
- XLR input with phantom power for vocal mics and profiles of vocal preamps.
- Creating a profiling sequence that gets a little closer to the original reference amp. When I tried profiling the sound captured was a bit darker than the original and had to be tweaked a bit. And I see other people with the exact same issue. A darker sound than the reference amp. Perfecting the profiling part.
- Touch screen maybe.
- USB connection that can be used as digital recording and reamping.
- Profiling pedals like the Quad Cortex.
- Tone matching. If it makes sense. It probably doesn’t
Keep the ideas coming