Please also make Low Cut and High Cut priority settings for individual rigs in Cabinet, which would take precedence over Low and High Cut in Output. I unnecessarily waste one effects path activating the Studio equalizer just to set a different Low and High Cut for different rigs. Or is it that complicated to program it?
Please, High Cut and Low Cut
Isn't there a high cut and a low cut in the cab section?
The picture shows the Cabinet section. There is no Low and High Cut.
The picture shows the Cabinet section. There is no Low and High Cut.
What is High Shift and Low Shift?
Try and see!
Quote from FTM
High Shift, Low Shift
Both parameters influence the characteristic formants of a Cabinet PROFILE, thereby simulating a change in size. “High Shift” will make the higher formants more prominent, whereas “Low Shift” does the same for the lower frequencies
High Shift and Low Shift is not the same as High Cut and Low Cut.
I am very very happy for this, thanks to the developers at Kemper. And it works very well, exactly as I imagined it would.