I'm very happy to have discovered Kemper's latest product. It looks very similar to what I proposed in February 2022.
Congratulations 🎉
I look forward to the new Kemper Player.
I'm very happy to have discovered Kemper's latest product. It looks very similar to what I proposed in February 2022.
Congratulations 🎉
I look forward to the new Kemper Player.
The Kemper is an amplifier profiler.
All the extras that are included on the Kemper profile amplifier are awesome and great. But they are not really a repository of stand alone amplifier profiles any longer.
The player gives you an option to select the amplifiers that you want from the profiler repository. You load that via USB to your player which is now part of your pedal board. Your pedal board can have pre and post effects which can be arranged as needed.
This may not be for a person who depends on performances. I personally only need three or four amplifiers to cover almost any music I play which is a lot. I can navigate the effects as needed, it's more fluid for me this way. I hate being locked into predefined profiles without the ability to tweak as needed in live situations.
The Player will be and integral part of my new pedal board.
The Kemper profiler .. if you just consider the name itself, means a way to profile these amps that are quickly disappearing. So many awesome amps that are no longer available ... many are unicorns.
Most of these amps that are profiled were never equipped with effects, compression, pre and post EQ, etc ... they are amps. The tool should reflect this concept.
It's great to have all the effects and production quality interfaces, but really aren't we wanting to have access to the vast library of amplifiers that are quickly disappearing from the face of the Earth?
This is the divergence I see from a concept to an all-purpose amp modeler with a line 6, etc. Great machines, but they're not fulfilling a purpose as originally designed with the profiler.
I just want access to the amps. Many of these amplifiers were not originally equipped with effects loops, or noise Gates, you get the drift.
There's nothing wrong with wanting all those things, but I prefer to use them as amplifiers instead of a synthesized compressed homogenized poser hybrid.
Many of the commercial profiles that are available are often indistinguishable. In other words they are not highly representative of the characteristics of these very special amps that are profiled. They're over colored with effects and studio EQ.
I see a value in having all that in one package, but it's really not maintaining the concept of profiling amplifiers. I want to plug into the amplifier profile and I wanted to sound like the amplifier without any coloration at all. Many profile packs sound virtually indistinguishable. A little gain tweak here, some EQ there, they all sound over compressed and over effected.
That's just me. I think it serves a valuable purpose though. Once you profile the priceless boutique amp or an old Ampeg Reverber-a-rocket, you've captured that for eternity.
Then add whatever it is you want to add to shape the tone to your benefit.
So give me a player that I can dump three or four awesome unadulterated rare amp tones, and let me take it from there.
The Player has this potential of the gigging musician without all the BS.
Amazing! I proposed this very similar idea back in February 2022.
While I understand that my proposal is not the product that's come to market, you have to admit the concept is very close.
I continue to use my KPA for performances, but would it be too bold of me to ask Kemper to send me a complementary Kemper Player in recognition of my suggestion?
I'll purchased one regardless. It would be nice to have as a momento of my suggestion.
Thanks for this beautiful piece of engineering!
Sure... as long controls are physical and minimal (buttons, switches, knobs). I totally overlooked DI and 1/4" jacks.
great suggestions!
Stop beating that same old "mini Kemper" unicorn... Consider a rugged workhorse concept for live performance.
Introducing the "Kemper Rig Player" (Kemper is welcomed to use this name when beginning production)
I want a simple rig player that allows me to load any 4 or 5 rigs from my KPA (amps - not performances). This unit will have a smaller footprint with 4 or 5 foot switches arranged horizontally. Each rig is assigned to a single dedicated foot switch. Like good old amp switching, except each channel is an amp from my priceless amp collection
Additionally, I propose that the "Kemper Rig Player" should stay minimal:
This is the way I currently use my KPA. I can cover just about anything with 4 "amps" (4 buttons). Tweak with pedals in front, looped effects , etc.
I love the my KPA, but didn't buy it for the effects (which are high quality). While operator error is highly suspect, I've NEVER been able to rely on the performances that I painstakingly program and "save" on my Kemper (yes, manual read, tutorials absorbed). Something always goes wrong or configurations disappear. Using the KPA as an amps-only solution is the only way I can play live with confidence.
About me: This is my first post on the forum - I'm a seasoned player (said boomer), but a new-ish Kemper owner. No longer playing full time, but still out there. I'm enjoying my Kemper experience and really appreciate the forum community.