Studio Profile Blending? (Not what you think and not what has been discussed before *it actually has, I misspoke!)

  • Dual profiles has been something that (I've heard) isn't a feature that could be added to the current hardware, but.....

    I know dual amp profiles have been made by people…l-amp-kemper-profile-pack

    So profile of TWO amps, that results in ONE studio profile that then responds somewhat like a mix of the two amps; this is already possible? And if so.....

    Might it be possible, software wise for a computer program (perhaps an integrated into feature in Rig Manager) that would allow such a parallel blending of two studio profiles? This blend would then be saved as a ONE new studio profile. You then import this ONE studio profile into the Kemper itself.

  • this is exactly what people descripe as "dual profiles", "2 profiles merged as one" or stuff like that.

    But there is always a workaround. In a studio situation you would record a DI-Track and then reamp it on two tracks with two profiles or record it a second time with a different profile to double the track.

    (What Tonejunkie and others are doing, is mixing two microphone signals from two different amps into one stereo track.)

  • this has actually been suggested and discussed in some detail a few times already. I personally don’t see it being workable but some much smarter members than me think it would be so you never know

    Must have missed that discussion. We kemperites have lots of ideas for feature requests