Posts by Simon S

    Or in feature request:

    Please supply this now Kemper...Vintage SVT would be a start..then bassman...etc

    Maybe make noise in the "feature request".

    I requested exact this feature.

    Ive read the manual but am still not understanding the overall function of the knob for DLY+REV. can someone explain it to me like im a 2 year old? LOL

    When you have a parallel routing, the delay and reverb don't affect each other.

    When you have serial routing, the for example delay first and after that reverb. Your delay will added reverb on top.

    And you can choose a mixture of something in between.

    Was passiert wenn du den Mix von delay und reverb erhöhst, bei gleichem ducking? Könnte mir vorstellen dass das Abhilfe schaffen könnte. Kann es aber nicht ausprobieren.

    This is the official way to submit feature request.

    Some requested feature are already in the Kemper Os.

    But Kemper decides which feature request which feature is "usefull" in their view and will be implemented.

    Iam not shure, but have you tried the power amp input with sending the Kemper Monitor Out (with monitor cab off activated) ?

    Maybe you can gain/boost your signal without colouring your sound too much.


    mein Kemper bleibt am Ende des Update Prozesses stehen und schafft es nicht das Update abzuschließen.

    Das ist seit mehreren OS versionen so. Der Workaround ist die Spannungsversorgung zu unterbrechen. Danach booted er neu und OS hat die neue Version. Aber ich habe jedesmal angst davor, dass etwas kaputt geht.

    My Kemper stops at the end of the update process and does not manage to complete the update.

    This has been happening for several OS versions. The workaround is to disconnect the power supply. Then it reboots and OS has the new version. But I'm always afraid that something will break.

    i updated to PROFILER Operating System 8.7.20 Release