I made a strange discovery: I own 2 Profiler Stages, bought new almost 2 years ago a week apart. (So they should be roughly the same series.) After the update to OS 10 Beta, one connects easily to WIN 10 and the Rig Manager. Not the other one! I performed a factory reset on both devices (after backing up the data!) - the result remained the same! With OS 9.0.8 and earlier OS I have no problems with either device! Obviously the devices are not 100% identical in terms of hardware ?! Has anyone had a similar experience?
Two kempers with one Rig Manager
Hi, I have a problem with my rig manager. I have two Kempers Rack connected through a usb hub to my computer, the problem is that when I select a profile from my rig manager it changes in one of my two kempers but I cant select the correct kemper. Is there a solution to this?
Thanks regards
Thanks regards