I'm using the latest beta. This happened to me yesterday, and was repeated today. I created a few liquid profiles (around 5) using the Soldano crunch amp selected with RM open, and then all the profiles got much louder, and pretty brittle, with much more high end. Shutting down the Profiler, and restarting it brought the profiles back to their original sounds. This happened to me last night, and I just shut everything down. I checked how to the profiles sounded this morning, and they sounded as they should. I created another 5 or 6 profiles with RM open. The same thing happened again. I shut down the profiler and checked them when I turned the profiler back on.
Strange occurrence after making a few (Liquid) profiles
I just tried it again, creating one profile, this time using Kemper Generic. The profile sounded exactly like the amp while A/B'ing it back and forth. As soon as it saved the profile, the sound was nothing like it sounded before saving it. Way too loud, and very brittle.
Does not occur with RM closed. This might be an RM issue.
Rig Manager is (seems to be) causing strange behavior with my Rack unit. I haven't checked the Stage unit yet because I spent so much time on trying to figure out what was happening on the Rack.
All amps in the performance slot got set to the default Kemper crunch amp. This happened after the 9.0.8 update and before the unit was connected to Rig Manager. I first used RM on my iPad after hearing the awful sound coming from the Rack unit. That's when I saw all amps in the loaded performance went to crunch. I fired up RM on the computer and copied the saved performance from the local Library back to the Rack unit. All 5 slots were then back where they were supposed to be. When I shut down the iPad the slot I was on reverted back to the god awful crunch sound.
I'm really getting tired of fighting the Software and faulty updates. It's having an adverse effect on my opinion of Kemper.
I also heard a report on Facebook that disconnecting from rig manager solved some issues.
Rig Manager does not yet have all of the LP options. Hopefully they will be there in the next RM update.