Yamaha RA-200

  • So, i've had two of these beauties in the past for my Pink Floyd tribute band but i got rid of them long ago, these monsters weigh 90kg! Now i am wondering if there are profiles for these amps, mainly the Leslie-effect, or is this doable to create with the Rotary effect? I have not been able sofar to find a profile.

    I really like the Rotary-effect in the Kemper, it's not a Yamaha by a long shot but it has some nice qualities. If it would be possible to add a manual speed, the effect would be a lot more versatile.

  • Now i am wondering if there are profiles for these amps, mainly the Leslie-effect, or is this doable to create with the Rotary effect?

    "Interestingly, you can take a PROFILE of your own rotary cabinet. If you get the chance to have a real rotary speaker in your studio, as long as you can connect line or guitar signals, you can take a PROFILE of it. Please refer to the chapter Taking a PROFILE for further instructions. Of course, the PROFILER already comes with a Rig “CK Rotary Speaker” which includes a PROFILE of a Leslie® 147 captured with Shure® SM 57."
    Main Manual, page 212

    It is possible and additional PROFILEs of rotary cabinets would be awesome!

  • Adinfinitum : Thank you but a plugin is not really what i am looking for.

    DonPetersen : I have found the rig with the Leslie which is nice but not a RA. The difference is quite big between the two. I have a friend with a RA100, the two speaker Leslie version, perhaps we can create some profiles, i have to dig in to it.

    Thank you both again.

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