Not really a problem here, just looking for a bit of insight.
I've always connected my kemper to two line inputs via main outs, and recorded onto a stereo track in my DAW. However as I very rarely use any effects in the post stack slots, I figured I should probably try setting the Output to "Master Mono" and just record to a mono track (via one cable).
The stereo signal is about 3db louder than the mono output, but even compensating for that, I'm hearing a subtle difference - if anything the mono track sounds slightly better - bit clearer, more punchy.
I'd have thought a mono track would sound exactly the same as a mono signal spread over a stereo track - but apparently not? Maybe I'm just missing some basic audio-engineering theory here, and this is not Kemper-specific?
But also, the two sides of the stereo track (again, just the amp stack, no stereo fx) do not seem to be exactly the same... With Kemper outs set to "Master Stereo" I recorded each side onto a separate mono track, and inverted the phase on one. They did not totally cancel out (very weak, barely audible sound, but still there). I then did the same with Kemper outs set to "Master Mono". In this case the two tracks cancelled out completely, as expected.
Can anyone shed any light on why the sound is slightly different when recording (with no stero fx) to a stereo track vs mono? And why - if the signal should be mono with no stereo fx added - does each side of the stereo output not cancel out completely if one side is phase inverted?