i have been using my kemper in the studio (and also on stage) for years now and recently reading the manual again has me questioning the configuration i use for the outputs. when recording i use:
- main outputs (set to master stereo)- this is the stereo mix of the kemper for recording.
- monitor output (single mono out, set to "git+processing")- this is sent to a second amp for simultaneous recording with the kemper main out signal.
- direct output (single mono out, set to "git analog")- this is sent directly to a converter (no di box) for recording. when the recording is played back this signal can be sent to a reamp box and then to another amp for recording.
as per the manual:
git analog- this is recommended for reamping
git+processing- simlar to git analog, but with a2d conversion taking place
git studio- i dont really understand this setting, but it is a "studio level" (line level?) signal, which "no separate di box is needed"
im interested in how others set these outs, or would recommend doing this to record the three sources i want (main, ext amp, dry gtr).
thanks for any help!