If money is important then wait a while before purchasing a ton of stuff. Learn how the basic eq works, play with the definition control and other ways to tweak. Spend some time playing with the loads of free stuff. You'll begin to develop a feel for what types of amps you particularly like and don't like. In my experience coming to KPA a decade a go, I really had very little experience putting many amps through their paces, especially at volumes necessary to achieve their ideal sound. Over time, what I thought my favorite amps or types of amps were changed drastically.
That said, these days I use mostly commercial profiles, the MBritt stuff is great. I personally use a lot of Tone Junkie. If you sign up for his emails, you usually get a couple trial profiles of each pack he releases and has a free pack with all the free stuff he's given away. If you really gel with one of the trial profiles, consider buying the whole pack for that amp. Then again, with liquid profiles coming up very soon, with the commercial guys getting their hands on it already, they'll probably be releasing new packs to take best advantage of the update.