We don't know, what is the "new update" from your perspective. We always need version numbers.
Posts by Burkhard
You are free to make the left column wider. However I'm not sure, that is the issue you describe. I also don't understand where you see the folder name in the upper right. Pehaps you can demonstrate the issue with a picture
Yes, our developersa re looking into it. It doesn't happen all the time. Thanks, for bringing it up!
Rig Manager Android is available in the Google Play Store. Check it out.
The recognition of defective data has evolved. In any case if the data is damaged beyond the possibility of repair it's unfortunately lost.
Having this said, such issues are very rare and root causes have been fixed in current software to our best knowledge. That the current OS detects such an issue doesn't mean it has caused it. It might have happened long time ago with older software versions.
Is it possible, that the issue is specific to copy/paste? What about drag&drop?
Vielleicht noch zwei Anmerkungen:
1. Im letzten Bildschirm-Beispiel von Skumpy sehe ich, dass PC 15 geschickt wird. Das ist ja der 5. Slot von Performance 3. Der wird aber nur geladen, falls er in der Performance "enabled" ist. Ansonsten passiert nichts. Abgeschaltete Slots kann man nicht per MIDI laden. Solange man ausschließlich Slot 1 der Performances lädt, funktioniert das immer, denn der kann nicht abgeschaltet werden.
2. Außerdem kann man mit der App auch MSB und LSB schicken. MSB kann man sich sparen, denn das bleibt immer auf Wert 0. Aber mit LSB kann man zwischen den MIDI-Bänken umschalten. Mit 128 Program Changes kann man ja nicht 625 verschiedene Slots laden. Daher sind die Slots über 5 verschiedene MIDI-Bänke verteilt. Und die schaltet man mit LSB. Solange man die erste MIDI-Bank nie verlässt - die geht bis Performance 26 Slot 3 - reicht es, nur eine Program Change zu schicken. Wenn man aber z. B. Performance 28 Slot 1 laden will, muss man LSB 2 (Wert 1) und Program Change 8 schicken. Wenn man von dort, wie in obigen Beispiel, nur Program Change 15 schickt, landet man nicht in Performance 3 Slot 5, sondern in Performance 29 Slot 3! Deshalb würde ich raten, immer die LSB der App gleich mit einzutragen und z. B. für Performance 3 Slot 5 nicht nur Program Change 15 zu schicken, sondern gleich auch LSB 1 (Wert 0). Damit kommt man aus jeder Performance eindeutig in Performance 3 Slot 5.
KEMPER doesn't manage the manuals copies on your PC or intervene in any way.
In opposition the Rig Manager help function shows the latest versions of the manuals. Currently it's at 10.2 level.
It should work with those settings except if you activated Parallel Path in that Rig and turned Parallel Path Mix down. In that case the pitch effect in module B sits in a dead end.
Are you sure, your pitch effect settings work on any other output e.g. HEADPHONES OUT? Perhaps the Mix is just too low or the Interval is set to Unison.
Pedal Pitch and Pedal Vinyl Stop effects require an expression pedal.
What if you test with Harmonic Pitch preset "Pitch +4 -3"?
I guess, you see the Wattage Meter in that box now. This feature has been added in the meantime.
You could connect Rig Manager and read the setting on the PC/tablet/smartphone display.
I'm not convinced, that the USB communication works reliably. Since you have a Stage, it uses high speed USB in current OS versions to enable USB audio 4 channels in and 4 channels out. Older OS versions used low speed USB. Editing via Rig Manager requires a constant flow of data in both directions. And that doesn't seem to work. Communication does only partially work. I would check USB cable including cable length, USB hub, USB socket at the PC.
If the data was corrupted, a backup doesn't really help since it includes the corrupted data then.
Pronunciation is perfect!
I think there is a fundamental issue between your PROFILER and Rig Manager. As soon as you move those Slots, the Performance line should become red, the Replace button should get activated and the display should show an "E". It appears your editing doesn't get processed between your Rig Manager and PROFILER completly. Perhaps your USB communication isn't completely functional.
Your Rig Manger is the current release. I suggest you set the flag "beta" in its preferences and update to 3.4.51.
I would also try our OS 10.2.1 public beta, which includes some improvements related to USB initialization.
Otherwise please open a support ticket and we will recommend a couple of resets.
Somethings seems to be wrong:
As soon as you change the first Slot in Rig Manager, the line of the loaded Performance in the Rig Manager list should switch from green to red. Red means, the Performances is edited. At the same time an "E" will appear on the PROFILER screen right hand side. And the "Replace" button will become available. All this doesn't happen in your case. So, the fact you cannot replace is a consequence of an ealier disconnect.
Are OS and Rig Manager current?
Have you tried to restart both?
This sounds like some of your Performances included corrupted data and these were replaced during the data checkup following each update.
In that case the OS replaces the corrupted data with the default Rig "Crunch".
The root cause might be in the past and in any older OS or Rig Manager versions.
There still seems to be a synchronization issue between both. Have you tried to restart PROFILER and Rig Manager?
If that doesn't help try this: Press and hold the RIG button while powering the PROFILER on. Keep holding until message appears "Initializing....". This will rebuld some internal data structures. If that shouldn't clear the situation, please iopen a support ticket.
Referring to software versions we prefer numbers. Our latest OS public beta is 10.2.1 since a couple of days. Is that your "latest" version?
We have currently Rig Manager 3.4.51 public beta and 3.4.45 release.
Hier geht es doch um "abstürzende" bzw. "eingefrorene" PROFILER ausgehend von 9er OS -Versionen, während Du von einer Fehlermeldung in Rig Manager berichtest.
Wenn der PROFILER abgestürzt ist, kann sich Rig Manager natürlich nicht mehr verbinden. Welche Fehlermeldung zeigt der PROFILER denn bei Dir?
Does the PROFILER work normally without USB connection to Rig Manager?
Which Rig Manager version are you using?
Have your tried PROFILER OS 10.2.1 public beta?
We have a new public beta version. It fixes potential USB audio initialization issues, when upgrading from older OS versions.
Rig Manager 3.4.51 for Windows(R)/macOS(R) and Rig Manager 1.5.1 for iOS(R) required!
Rig Manager 3.4.51 requires at least Windows(R) 10 or macOS(R) 10.14.
WARNING: Downgrade beyond OS 9.0.6 could lead to loss of data stored with OS 10!
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