Cant duplicate rig

  • Hi

    I have just upgraded to the latest OS and wanted to duplicate my favourite rigs before trying out the liquid profiling changes. The ideas being that I could switch between my original sound and whatever changes I have made. However whenever I try to copy and paste my rig in rig manager I get the following message. "The import failed. 1 Rigs were duplicates" Im sure this worked before, or am I just being dumb (I so rarely go into rig manager as have a very stable set of performances I seldom change)

  • I’m in process of creating a whole lot of rigs for an upcoming show and noticed the same thing.

    Copy/Paste of a rig does not work - with error you had.

    I also then discovered the Duplicate button thankfully.

    However one quirk with it.. if I’m in a rig working on it, then save it, and then want to duplicate it - you can’t as the duplicate button isn’t there. You have to select/open a totally different rig, then re-select the one you were working on and the duplicate button is now there.

    • Official Post

    "Duplicate" is only available as long as you havn't edited the original Rig. At the same time the "Replace Rig" button is greyed out since replacing a Rig without changes is meaningless.

    As soon as you edit the Rig e.g. increase its Gain, the edited state deviates from the original state. And if you store the edited state, it's no "duplication" in its true sens anymore. Therefor the label of the button changes to "Store As New". This creates another Rig, but this Rig has a higher Gain than the original. At the same time the "Replace Rig" button gets functional, in case you intend to overwrite the original Rig with the version with higher Gain.

    I guess, it's all there and makes logical sense.