Thanks. I'm with you so far :). But shouldn't there be some kind of visual response when clicking the button?
musicmad Please open a new thread with your questions.
Thanks. I'm with you so far :). But shouldn't there be some kind of visual response when clicking the button?
musicmad Please open a new thread with your questions.
For some reasons, we can't use googleplay here, can you please provide the apk installer download directly for us to download and use? Thank you very much!
Sorry, we can't.
Off Topic. Closed.
Please continue the discussion here
Hello everybody,
We have a public beta version of Rig Manager for Android, and everybody interested is welcome to join. Remember, it's a beta version, and we don't recommend using it in a productive environment.
Open this link on your Android device (Google Store):
Join via the Google website:
Amazon Store:
For those interested in testing using an Amazon Fire tablet, please get in touch with us through the contact form on our website. You need to supply the email address associated with your Amazon Fire Tablet. Please supply the correct email address; any other will not work!
Thanks, GS
Please contact support.
It's not a bug. It's a precaution.
Thanks for pointing this out.
GLParrishmn please contact support by using the contact form on the Kemper website.
masterbilt please open a new thread. I've deleted your comment. I was entirely off-topic.
Please get in touch with support. I'll close this thread. We already have three on the topic.
Help us to solve this
Here's the deal. It works for 99%, but it doesn't for 1% and we are still researching. So if you have issues please contact support through the contact form. You help us a lot in doing so.
Please install Profiler OS Beta 10.1.1 and let us know if your issue persists.
Please try Profiler Beta OS 10.1.1
Wir versuchen das in einem Update besser zu machen. Mehr kann ich dazu nicht sagen.
Wir kennen den Effekt. Ja, es wirkt komisch und hier ist der Grund warum es so ist:
Wenn der "counter" am Ende ist, werden fast alle Sachen im Profiler abgeschaltet, dazu gehört auch der Teil, der das Display neu aufbauen könnte. Die zusätzliche Wartezeit entsteht, weil im Analogteil noch etwas Spannung gepuffert, der wenn man so will "gefangen" ist. Würde der Profiler nicht kurz warten, sondern den Analogteil sofort abschalten, würde es "Plöpp" in den Lautsprechern machen. Das haben User wie Ihr am Anfang bemängelt und deswegen wurden ein paar Millisekunden Wartezeit hinzugefügt - bis garantiert ist, das sich die Spannung zu 95% abgebaut hat.
Und für Leute, die sich gut auskennen: meine Darstellung mag etwas simplifiziert sein.
I'll close the thread now. It's way too off-topic.