Issues copying profiles/rigs from library to Stage

  • Need help!

    I haven’t used my Stage in a while, so I updated it and Rig manager and tried to copy over some new Profiles from Michael Nielsen. HOWEVER, seems to be stuck on the first profile every time I try it. I’ve changed which profile I’ve tried, tried a single profile, multiples, etc and it keeps getting stuck transferring (1 of XX).

    See screenshot and also screenshot of my version numbers


  • Having same issue, sent them a mail.
    Anyway while this is stuck in transferring loop can't change profiles and closing app gives warning "app is performing task..."

    Yes, that’s happening in my case too. Please let me know if you hear back, although I guess at this time of year it may take some time.

  • The latest update fixed the issue on my end.
    Got popup 3.5 is available for player etc. installed it and works fine now. Even tried to drag and drop 100 profiles, everything imported fine and kemper LCD showed "transfering xxx files" which was not there before