Have been getting to know my new Kemper over the last week by searching through the factory content & profile packs on rig manager (and rig exchange) - found tons of good stuff, and am very impressed with the overall sound and feel of the Kemper - in a totally different league to the software modelers I've used up till now for recording. As I was advise before buying, it does feel like playing thru a mic'd up tube amp in another room, as opposed to actually having an amp in the room and hence being able to interact with feedback etc. - but that's fine, recording is primarily what I'll be using it for, and the main thing is it DOES feel/sound like a real amp! So as I'll definitely be keeping it, figure I may as well start investing in a few rig packs...
My favourite amps have always been Marshalls (for overdriven 80's/90's rock/metal tones), Fenders (for cleans & funk), and more recently discovered how good Oranges are for super-smooth thick distortion (great for Drop-D tuning riffery, but I also really like the Orange sound for funk-rock leads). I've found some great examples of all of these via rig manager, but would like to expand my collection of sounds for these amps as I'm not sure I've favourited many real "go-to" profiles yet.
I'm mainly after suggestions for Orange Rockerverb profiles as I've haven't found so many of these, and a lot of the ones I've found seem to focus more on ultra-heavy/doom settings as opposed to the smoother heavy-rock sounds I'm after - however I've bookmarked Guidorist, TAF, and Deadlight Studios - has anyone tried any of these Rockerverb profiles, or are there any other good ones I should check out?
I've found tons of good Marshalls - in particular some great sounding JVM410HJS profiles, currently trying to decide between Top Jimi, Katzbach, Soundside, Deadlight Studios and TAF's offerings here! However I'd also like some more JCM 800 profiles, and here the problem is there are just too many... Any suggestions where to start?
As for Fenders, I'd like a good set of Princeton & Twin Reverb profiles (ideally with some convincing Ted Nugent style tones from the Twin, as well as some sparkling cleans and more gently-driven tones suitable for funk rhythm playing) - I think the best sounding I've found so far are Tone Junkie's for these amps - but again, are there any others I should check out?
I know I probably can't go wrong with any of the above-mentioned profile-makers, and over time I'm sure I'll end up building up a collection and figuring out whose sounds work the best for what I'm after. But as I'm new to this, would welcome a few suggestions of where to start to get a good collection of go-to sounds for mainly distorted-blues/funk-rock/heavy-rock sounds. Will be mainly using humbucker pickups by the way (DiMarzio Mo Joe & Paf Joe).
Thanks in advance, and apologies for the long post, but hopefully enough details there to give a good idea of what I'm after!