A lightweight, powerful speaker cabinet and an exclusive speaker design for the KEMPER PROFILER™ with a choice of 19 different speaker characters (aka imprints). Available as passive Kabinet for all powered PROFILERs and as Power Kabinet with 200 watts for PROFILER Stage™ and unpowered PROFILER models.
The KEMPER Kabinet™ is especially designed for the PROFILER. The KEMPER Kabinet is a combination of the KEMPER Kone™ loudspeaker and an extensive speaker tone mining technology developed by KEMPER making it possible to digitally „imprint“ various speaker characteristics onto one single cabinet.
The KEMPER Kone is a 12“ full range speaker which is exclusively designed by Celestion for KEMPER. It is controlled and driven by the KEMPER PROFILER’s DSP to an ultra-linear (full range) frequency response, using a dedicated DSP algorithm. In contrast to the conventional idea of a full range system, the radiation pattern of the KEMPER Kone has been narrowed towards the physics of a classic guitar speaker chassis, so that even the full range sound carries a distinct guitar speaker character, unlike regular PA speakers or monitor speakers.
Among the imprints, you will find the finest choice of well-known guitar speakers from Celestion and many more, as well as some rare and very particular speakers. More speaker imprints may be added via future software updates.
The KEMPER Power Kabinet™ offers 200 watts of raw power and supports the
unique KEMPER Kone speaker imprint technology, offering a choice of 19 classic
guitar speaker imprints for the ultimate KEMPER PROFILER guitar sound
The KEMPER Power Kabinet is the perfect monitoring system for
all owners of unpowered KEMPER PROFILERs (Head, Rack, and Stage). Various
bundles available. Stereo setups supported.
The KEMPER Kone speaker is also available as a replacement speaker for existing guitar cabinets. The KEMPER Kone is available as a single unit and 2 and 4 speaker sets for 2 x 12“ and even 4 x 12“ guitar cabinets. Requests from third party cabinet manufacturers are welcome.
KEMPER Kabinet & Power Kabinet
KEMPER Kabinet
KEMPER Power Kabinet
Speaker Imprints
By simply activating the PROFILER’s well-known Monitor CabOff function the KEMPER Kone is switched from full-range mode to the Speaker Imprint Mode, which then exactly mimics one of 19 classic guitar speakers. The sound of these imprints should not be mistaken with the mic‘ed cabinet simulations of a Profile. They rather bring back the good old "amp-in-the-room" sound.
Since the intelligence of the speaker lies in the DSP of the PROFILER, you will be able to switch individual speaker imprints along with your favorite rigs, without needing to do extensive editing. Whenever you switch to a full-range sound, for an acoustic guitar, for example, the KEMPER Kone will switch to full-range mode automatically.
Music that is fed into the PROFILER through the Aux Input will be played back in full-range mode, even when you play your amp with a Speaker Imprint, both at the same time.
Due to the digital features, the KEMPER Kone and KEMPER Kabinet work exclusively with a PROFILER.