One thing I've yet to grasp concerning Liquid Profiles

  • I really haven't paid much attention for awhile because I've been pretty happy with my profiles. Now as I've looked into this Liquid Profiling a bit I'm not quite clear on one major aspect. Does Liquid Profiling work on profiles you've already collected or do those actual amps need to be re-profiled with Liquid added. I'm hoping Liquid can be added after an amp is profiled because I'll never have those amps available to profile again. Sorry if this has all been discussed and clarified but I couldn't find it.

  • cheers!

    So basically Yes!

    But You Must have the original settings of the profiled amp AND, of course, Your amp sholud have to be already in the list of the liquid models. (Not my case, I have all the settings noted but at the moment there's no Respective LQD model... let's wait)