Think about what you get for 700$/€.
I am happy that when the "next spontaneous call" for a jam arrives I will be able to just grab a guitar and this Player and there I go..swuuush..out of the door..
I guess in the end it is really all about the size and the time you save for certain situations..and these situations are not "doing pro-/semipro things..".
Most likely all the situations I would like to have the player are about "having fun with my homies" somewhere with a FOH or an old FRFR waiting..
Why would I need tons of fx and more pedals for morphing for this; Highly unlikely.
Would I use the player for work in the studio or a bigger gig; No. This is why I have the rack and a extra laptop(for the studio) and the head/remote/3 EPs for "serious gigs".
Choose your weapons wisely.
And I am absolutely willing to pay 700€ to get this player just for having fun with my beloved rigs I use for years now. Even with half of the fx I never use.