in the past i have seen stickers for behringer's fcb1010 that identify stomp function but cant seem to find any after searching. does anyone still make these?
thanks, j
in the past i have seen stickers for behringer's fcb1010 that identify stomp function but cant seem to find any after searching. does anyone still make these?
thanks, j
see link...
And you can make your own with a color printer and a decal sheet.
Oh, and I did a google search and found them in 1 second.
thanks, i did see those but theyre not really as useful as what ive seen before. i have seen a number of producers who have made these in glow-in-the-dark for stage (e.g., uno4kemper) and the pedal id is on the button itself, not adjacent. these are pretty weak.
i hope if anyone else is aware of producers, likely specifically for kemper, they will be able to give better alternatives.
thanks, j