Mission Engineering EP-1-BK SPL

  • I found at page http://missionengineering.com/?product=ep-1
    The EP-1 is compatible with a large range of digital amps, effects units, MIDI controllers and stomp boxes, and can be used anywhere you would use a Roland EV-5, M-Audio EXP, Boss FV500, or similar pedal..
    I have Roland EV-5 and Boss FV500 - both are working fine connected to my remote.
    The EP1-KP has an additional switch at the end of the pedal stroke.

  • thanks for your reply!

    I´m after the "spring load option" of the Mission Engineering pedals, which brings the pedals back to heel down position.

    After doing some more research, I learned that they custom build this option into every pedal they sell: http://missionengineering.com/?product=spring-load-option

    Another question:
    Is the EP-1 and the EP-1-KP indentical, except the additional switch?

  • Is the EP-1 and the EP-1-KP indentical, except the addition switch?

    I don't know but think it's not so important. Both have linear potis.
    For EP1 a 10K linear potentiometer is specified. For the KP the value is not shown.
    I think the calibration for the Kemper can handle all ranges which are usual.
    The spring option is more a matter of preference of the player.
    If its just a Wah then it could be sencefull.
    For a Volume pedal I would think more about to use..
    The switch is more interesting.
    check out:

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    Ciao Harry

  • Before you purchase send me a message. I have the exact pedal you are speaking about. I have only had it for a month and will be selling to go with the Dunlop Rack Wah. It does have the Spring Load and is fully functional with the KPA.

    “When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace.”

  • bjr

    je lis bcp de message

    je possède le kemper stage et je voudrais m'équiper des pedale volume et expression (wah ,wamming ....)

    Mission Engineering EP1-KP-GN : pour le volume

    Mission Engineering EP1-KP-GN SPL : pour l'expression

    Est-ce que c'est la bonne configuration et le bon choix de pédale???

  • The spring makes the pedal "automatically" return to the heel position. If that makes sense for you, depends on your work-flow and application.

    It doesn't make sense for a normal volume pedal to return to zero volume by itself. But if you use the volume pedal to boost the signal (Pedal Range>0), it could make sense to temporarily boost the signal and then automatically return to nomal level.

    It can make sense for wah effects especially in combination with Pedal Mode "Bypass@Heel". But it means, that you could never leave the pedal alone in a middle position to shape your tone constantly leveraging a wah effect. But do you need that?

    Same with pedal pitch effects or Morphing. The pedal will allways return to base pitch or base sound by itself. Is that what you need or do you intend to leave the pedal alone in any other position?

    If you intend to link pedal functions e. g. "WahPedal to Volume" consider the dependencies as it might work for your wah application, but not for volume.

    I use such a pedal as a dedicated wah pedal in combination with Pedal Mode "Bypass@Heel". That works well for me.

  • For what it’s worth when mission announced the Kemper version on this very forum I asked what was the difference to there generic version, I got absolutely no reply, weird when your trying to push a version apparently brand specific, my guess nothing is different except the colour, and now you can get the colour in there non specific variations.

    Don’t get me wrong I own two of there pedals and like them and will probably get an EP1 spring loaded for Wah, just saying.

    New talent management advice to Laura Cox -

    “Laura want to break the internet? let’s shoot another video of you covering the Nightrain solo in the blue singlet, but this time we’ll crank up the air conditioning”.

  • I also own two EP1 - a green one with spring, and a red one without - both without toe switch. I guess, any of their expression pedals will work with the PROFILER as such.

    However, the EP1 KPs offers an additional toe switch. That switch must be momentary and normally open. I think, Mission Engineering offers pedals with latching switches. Those wouldn't work with the PROFILER! The toe switch can be handy to enable and disable an effect module with a wah effect in combination with WahPedal to Volume.

    I guess, for many users it's just a matter of convenience to have less choice and go with the pedal which is obviously compatible.

  • Code
    Thank you for your very relevant answers, I will indeed start by taking the mission without a spring, then I will see afterwards for the 2nd pedal
    I think with two pedals one in volume or morph and the other in wha wammy etc ... can be interesting
    (I am French and use the google translator to read you and answer you)
  • Something else to consider:

    While the Mission Engineering EP-1 is very nice for wah effects as is mechanically mimics a Cry Baby, I prefer a Dunlop DVP3 for volume control as it offers a wider mechanical range. So, it's not necessarily a "one model fits all" situation.

  • Something else to consider:

    While the Mission Engineering EP-1 is very nice for wah effects as is mechanically mimics a Cry Baby, I prefer a Dunlop DVP3 for volume control as it offers a wider mechanical range. So, it's not necessarily a "one model fits all" situation.

    That is exactly my findings too. i use the EP-1 for wah and an FV500 for everything else.

  • That is exactly my findings too. i use the EP-1 for wah and an FV500 for everything else.

    Yes I have the FV500 too it’s great for volume swells and morph, the wide sweep and heavy duty build gives you so mech more nuanced control, bigger, heavier but worth it.

    New talent management advice to Laura Cox -

    “Laura want to break the internet? let’s shoot another video of you covering the Nightrain solo in the blue singlet, but this time we’ll crank up the air conditioning”.

  • New talent management advice to Laura Cox -

    “Laura want to break the internet? let’s shoot another video of you covering the Nightrain solo in the blue singlet, but this time we’ll crank up the air conditioning”.??????????????????????????????????


    I do not understand