The Kemper power head and foot switch capabilities are amazing. That being said, there are always some gripes.
My #2 gripe is you can't set the tuner to read 1/2 step down tuning (so when you pluck your "E" string tuned to D#, it reads E) (My 2007 1101 did this)
My #1 biggest gripe is the bank buttons. I just CANNOT get my head around the left button being "forward" and the right button being "back" through banks/performances it drives me nuts. Most countries read from left to right and for most people going left is "back" and going right is "forwards" I wish you could switch them so that left is back and right is forward. It just makes sense. I guess I'll have to label mine. I've never seen a controller I liked so much but this drives me nuts and makes no sense whatsoever in this regard.